Sunday, 23 August 2020

How to increase height : 8 factors responsible | 8 habit to increase height

 How to increase height : 8 factors responsible & 8 habits to increase height 

Height plays very important role in building personality of a person . Tall person seems to be more impressive and attractive .

Genetic is not alone responsible for height but there are some other factors also which is responsible for increasing height . 

Japan after world war ii has increased their average height by 3 inch just doing changes in food and exercise .

How to increase height : 8 factors responsible | 8 habit to increase height

Is it possible to increase height after 18 years of age?

Height is increased in a person from 0 - 16 years of age without any effort naturally as it is kapha period, after 16 to 21 years effort is needed to increase height like changing diet and exercise but from 21 to 25 years height is increased with lots of effort but that also very rare.

The structural and supporting unit of body is called dhatu in modern science it's called tissue . According to ayurveda there are seven types of dhatu 

1. Rasa dhatu ( body fluids ) 
2. Rakta dhatu ( blood ) 
3. Mamsa dhatu ( muscular tissue )
4. Meda dhatu ( adipose tissue )
5. Asti dhatu ( bone tissue )
6. Majja dhatu ( bone marrow and nervous tissue )
7. Shukra dhatu ( generative tissue including semen and ovum constituent , stem cells )

On above seven dhatu our bone is made up from asti dhatu , so , to increase height height we should increase asti dhatu in our body .

8 factors responsible for increasing height:

1. Genetic -

Genes effect the height by 60 to 80 percent . Like vatha or pitha prakriti people are short or medium height whereas kapha prakriti people are tall . 

But these doesn't means that if parents are short their child cannot be tall , height of a child can be increased after changing other factors.

2. Environment :

Average height of people living in cold climate is more than the average height of people living in hot or humid climate. As cold places are kapha dominated whereas hot places are vatha and pitha dominated .

3. Food :

Eating junk and ft packaged food restrict the height growth because these foods cannot provide nourishment to our body and chemical used in them restrict the height growth.

4. Sleep :

During day time height of a person decrease by 1 to 2 inch but at morning when he wake up it increases upto 1 to 2 inch . This is because at night during sleep our body secrets human growth hormone and also repair the damage happen in during entire day . Our height is decreased during day because due to the gravity our body compress .

So , sleep play major role in increasing height of a person . A good and sound sleep makes us strong . Sleeping after 10 pm is not good as staying awake till late at night increases pitha in a body which restrict the height growth.

5. Digestion and illness :

If digestion of a person is week then also it effects the height because although he is eating lots of nutrients foods but his body is not capable of digesting it  for example if we put large utensil on a small fire to cook food , does our food will be cooked , the answer is no . Similarly if our digestive fire is week no matter how good we eat it will not absorbed by our body .

If someone has some types of disease in his body or one who fall ill regularly then also it affect the height . So , to increase height treat the disease and illness completely .

6. Position : 

Position of a body during sitting , standing , walking , sleeping etc matters a lot to increase a height . So , to increase height keep your body straight don't bend it .

7. Brain :

Person who is happy there all hormones will secrete well . Children with less burden studies or sport tend be taller than a children who got depressed over little things . So , if you are happy then the secretion of your growth hormone will be good .  

8. Exercise :

Good exercise plays major role in increasing height of a person but if someone over do's it then instead of increasing height its stop or the height increasing process become slow . 

So, does it mean not to do exercise at all , the answer is no because to increase height one has to do medium exercise means when you start sweating from your underarms and forehead plus when you have to breath from your mouth then is the time you have to stop exercise.

Do exercise which involves more stretching like surya namaskar , tadasan , chakra asan, etc . At the end of your exercise do practice swaasan ( yog nindra ) for 15 minutes this asana helps to secrete growth hormones .

How to increase height : 8 factors responsible | 8 habit to increase height

7 habits to increase height:

1. Abhiyang :

Abhiyang means massaging your whole body with oil . As asti dhatu is responsible for height or bone growth and increase in vatha is like enemy for asti dhatu , so massaging your body with oil before bath helps to reduce vatha in your body . 

Sesame oil is best for body massage , massage your whole body with oil for 15 minutes before bath especially near backbones in the direction from down to up .

2. Exercise :

Do medium exercise like when you start sweating and taking breath from mouth then stop. Do more stretching exercises like surya namaskar , tadasan etc . 

Before exercise do apply oil in your whole body.

3. Food :

You don't have to worry about what to eat or what to not in what quantity , don't follow nutrition chart just include all six taste ( sour , pungent , sweet , salty , bitter , spicy ) in your diet daily . Don't just eat one taste food too much .

4. Sleep :

Sleep before 10 pm avoid going bed lately. 
A good sleep plays a major role in increasing height.

5. Meditation :

Meditation keeps a body and brain calm for the result of which growth hormones secrete well also meditation help to increase space ( on of the five elements of our body ) in our body . As science also says that to increase height one should increase gap or space between bones . Similarly when astronaut goes to space their height get increased by 1-2 inch .

6. Ayurvedic tonic :

Consume ayurvedic tonic like chawanpras , coconut milk , Brahma rasayan , ashwagandha , satavari etc . As these are natural and safe.

Eat ayurvedic ghee like maha paisachik ghee , kalyan ghee , astang ghee , vachadi ghee . These ghee helps to increase height and improve the function of brain.

7. Basti chikitsha and panchkarma :

If someone height is genetically small then this remedy will bring great benefit to them . To do these one should visit ayurvedic centre near by them and consult a doctor there. 

8. Chaturbij : 

Chaturbij also known as chandrasur or garden grass is not only increase asti dhatu in your body but also cure vath and kapha , cure lose motion and help to grow hair faster. It is rich in calcium , iron , follic acid , amino acid , vitamin A and vitamin C .

This remedy is very useful for a person who is below 18 years of age . At morning in empty stomach take 10 - 15 gram of chaturbij along with this drink one glass of milk .

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